Our Adoption Journey

6/15/24: WE MATCHED and have placed with a beautiful baby boy. Thank you for your prayers, well wishes, and all the support that you have provided to us on this journey.

1/12/24: Hey ya’ll! As some of you know, Josh and I (Sara) are hoping to adopt a baby in the U.S. This was not a decision we took lightly and has been years in the making.

Embarking on the path of adoption is a life-altering decision that opens new doors of love, hope, and family.

On this page, we want to share our heartfelt plans to adopt and provide an honest look into the adoption process.


Adoption is often a long and emotional journey and your encouragement and support means the world to us!



Throughout the years, one of the most rewarding aspects of operating this website has been the uplifting messages, comments, and emails we’ve received. The ongoing support and sense of community has been truly remarkable.

As we embark on our adoption journey, your words of encouragement hold immense value. We’re eager to connect with you and hear how adoption has impacted your life. Feel free to reach out to us via Facebook or by contacting us through this website.

Update: We have been humbled by the outpouring love and support our family has been shown upon our return home. The uplifting comments and text messages have been very much appreciated!

Prayer is like having a trusted confidant throughout the adoption process—it’s incredibly comforting and reassuring. Please pray for guidance and wisdom as we navigate the process. Pray for strength and patience during the waiting periods, and for comfort during any setbacks or challenges we may face along the way.

Above all, we kindly ask for your prayers for the expectant mother who is considering adoption for her child. Please pray for her health and well-being, both physically and emotionally, as she navigates this difficult decision. Pray for her strength and courage as she weighs her options and chooses the path that is best for her and her baby. And finally, please pray for her baby’s future, that they may be surrounded by love and happiness.

Update: We have had several people tell us that we were in their prayers. We are forever grateful that we were on the hearts and minds of so many. As you will read below, our adoption journey was beyond challenging.

When it comes to adoption, birth families get to choose who they want to adopt their baby. Typically, this occurs through the collaboration between birth parents and adoption agencies, where profiles of hopeful adoptive families in the waiting pool are presented. This process, known as matching, often entails a lengthy wait as there are frequently more waiting families than available birth mothers.

However, with the advent of the internet, there’s a potential for individuals like us to connect with birth parents through social media. Through just a few shares, someone’s narrative can reach across the globe, offering the opportunity for matches outside of the traditional agency process, thereby broadening the scope of possibilities.

Your support can significantly impact our journey by amplifying our story. Whether it’s sharing our narrative, spreading the word about our page or posts, informing your acquaintances, colleagues, or even strangers on the street, every effort counts. We would be deeply grateful if you could help spread news of our adoption journey – the more individuals who are aware, the higher the likelihood of us finding our future baby.

Update: While we didn’t self-match, we saw the power of social media spread our story. We had people we didn’t know share our desire to adopt with others.

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♥♥♥♥♥♥ A SPECIAL LETTER ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Dear Expectant Mothers,

If you are reading this, we want to express our deepest admiration and respect for the courageous and selfless decision you are considering. Choosing adoption is an act of love, and we are here to support you in every way.

We understand that this journey is filled with emotions, and we want you to know that your well-being and comfort are importance to us.

We believe in the beauty of open adoption, and we are committed to fostering a relationship that honors your role in your child’s life.

Our promises to you:

We will love your child unconditionally.
We promise to give your child an incredible upbringing that will hopefully lead them to become a confident and kind person.
We will devote ourselves to showering your child with affection and providing them opportunities through education.
We will teach them to find joy and encourage them to seek happiness.
We will be patient, compassionate, and cheer them on as they discover their passions and talents.
They will know that you are the first page of their amazing story.
We promise to do all we can to help your child grow in every way.


𝒮𝒶𝓇𝒶 & 𝒥𝑜𝓈𝒽

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  1. Laurie Dillon

    Hi Sara!
    So happy to hear your big news!
    Just so happens that my sister is the mother of 3 adopted children. 2 in the US and my niece from Russia. I wish you the best and hope you and hubby are successful in your journey!! I strongly believe in adoption and its many wonderful ways of building the family you both desire 💕💕💕💕
    Laurie Dillon